Sneaker Care
  • Specialised sneaker care

  • Shoe Trees
  • Premium Shoe Trees

  • Premium Boot Trees

  • Sneaker Trees

  • shoe care
  • Clean

  • Rejuvenate

  • Shine

  • Tools

  • Boot Black

  • shoe stretchers
  • Premium Shoe Stretcher

  • Boot Stretcher

  • High Heel Boot Stretcher

  • High Heel Stretcher

  • Sets
  • Returns Inspection Policy & Procedure

    We place a high premium on your rights as a consumer and our guarantee to you that our products will be:

    1. fit for the purpose for which it is commonly used
    2. safe, durable and free from defects
    3. acceptable in appearance and finish.

    If you return a product to us within 30-days of purchase, it will be inspected by our returns officer. If the product does not meet any of your rights and our guarantees highlighted above, you are entitled to a remedy based on whether the returned product is classified as having a major or minor problem. 

    Major Problem Identified

    Major problems are identified as products having the following issues:

    Structural Issues 

    Tom bought a pair of boots that had a hole in the welt deep enough to reduce their water resistance. (Examples only - outcomes may differ in individual cases)

    Not As Described

    Jean ordered a light brown shoe cream but the colour was more like dark brown. 

    A Fault Or Problem 

    Lisa received a high-heel stretcher but when she went to use it the stretcher would not expand into her heels, as described. 

    The product is unsafe.

    Penny bought a pair of boot trees but when they arrived a jagged shard of wood had come away from the product. 

    Remedies Offered For Major Problems

    Upon identifying a major problem with your purchase you will be given the option for a refund or a replacement; or if you with to keep it, we will compensate you for an agreed drop in value. 

    Minor Problem Identified

    If the returned item is assessed to not have a major problem, but a problem nonetheless, we consider it a minor problem.

    Remedies Offered For Minor Problems

    Upon identifying a minor problem with your purchase we reserve the right to advise you of its repairability and the timeline in which it will be repaired. We also reserve the right to decide to replace the identical item, provide you compensation by way of a reduced-cost refund or to refund you.

    No Problem Identified

    If the returned item is assessed to not have a problem, or the problem is so minor that any reasonable consumer would accept it or otherwise home-remedy it e.g. a light scuff on leather that can be buffed out with a brush, no remedy will be offered and the item will be returned to the consumer. We reserve the right to request the consumer cover the return cost.

    When You Should Not Return Products

    • Changed your mind or no longer want the product.
    • Ordered the wrong product. 
    • Found a similar product cheaper somewhere else.
    • Found a better product somewhere else. 
    • Were aware of the relevant fault before buying the product e.g. factory seconds items. 
    • Damaged the product by misuse, e.g. over stretched your boot stretcher and damaged the stretching mechanism. 
    • Used the product for a long time and the problem is a result of wear and tear. 

    Useful Links

    The following external links from Government agencies cover your rights under Australian Consumer Law in relation to our Returns Inspection Policy & Procedure set out herein.