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Free Gift with Every Purchase $100+
By Shoe Care Experts
Trimly has ventured into sneaker care? Our aim here is simple. To offer premium sneaker care products to custom who love their sneakers. Most of the sneaker care products sold in Australia are made in the same few factories that also mass-produce lower-quality leather care products. To prevent your sneakers from crumbling apart, and to rejuvenate them correctly, you need quality product from makers who specialise in shoe care. This is why we’ve launched the sneaker collection.
There are sneaker care products. Then there is the BOOT BLACK ® Sneaker Range. Made by Japan's pre-eminent shoe care producer. Engineered for highest-quality cleansing, moisturising, colour rejuvination, and protection of cherished sneakers.
Moisture is one of the leading causes of sneakers disintegrating over time. Our Premium Sneaker Trees, made from American cedar, wicks away damaging moisture and reforms the sneaker back to its natural shape. Complete care from the inside-out.
Want to know more information about a particular sneaker care product, have a shipping question, or about anything else, drop us a line, we'd love to hear from you!
Dream Chasers Wear Sneakers